Caped Crusaders vs. Zombie Horde
Deathstorm 1
Deathstorm: 1938 Zombie Apoc Written by Jo Vasquez Chapter 1 Casey stood watch at the edge of the cyclonic death storm. Two hundred-mile-an-hour radioactive winds circled around all he could see and into the dark skies. He sat, perched atop the remnants of the...
Deathstorm 2
Chapter 2 His name was Malachi Morgan and he was the son of Chicago’s most notorious millionaire. His father, linked into the mob, corrupt politics, and conspiracies, ruled the entire state of Illinois, but Mal fell very far from the tree. At nineteen he rejected his...
Deathstorm 3
Crowley was very old, not superhuman in any sense, but he did not look his years. There was no denying age, but it was ambiguous as to just how old he was. His stark white hair and the deep lines on his face showed a long life, but he had the step of a much younger...
Deathstorm 4
“Sparky” LaCroix pissed on the side of the Necro-tron memorial sign. The device itself took 400 slaves two years to finish. It started in the basement under the Chicago Stadium as a battery-powered transmitter inside a Faraday Cage. Slaves built it into a multistory...
Deathstorm 5
Casey had been spotted. He surged from his hiding place to face the son of Dr. Death. The two collided with electricity and necro-lightning. Bolts exploded out but did little to the well-insulated structure. A quick electric kick to the gut and a solid shocking...
Deathstorm 6
April 12th, 1937 Chicago— a world without LaCroix. Casey Connor sat outside the bus terminal on East Randolph setting up his shoeshine box for the day. He adjusted his iron braces and made sure his crutches were secured, but easy to get to. He wedged himself tight...