by The Archivist | Jun 8, 2018 | VtoV Lexicon
What are the Five Tribes? The five tribes are a group of human survivors who have evolved in the radioactive wastelands of a world called Victory. Each Tribe is gifted with unique abilities to alter reality that come from their genetic brands. The Cimbri Hidden...
by The Archivist | May 31, 2018 | VtoV Lexicon
Asa Lani Fel, or Fel. No Tribesman remembers when they first showed up. Some believe they have always been there, at the edges of the world, hunting and killing, an animalistic competitor trying desperately to survive. They eat the flesh of men, and they torture the...
by The Archivist | Apr 12, 2018 | VtoV Lexicon
The history of Victory has been war for nearly a thousand years. Whether with Gods, machines, Asa Lani Fel, or among themselves there has always been bloodshed…until the Airships were created. The first Airship, named after the sacred texts of the ancients, was the...
by The Archivist | Mar 22, 2018 | VtoV Lexicon
The deserts of Victory are harsh. Massive magnetic disturbances hurl energetic bursts of radiation randomly. Teutons can survive this wilderness without protection except in the High Summer. Then, the Sun drifts slightly closer and burns a little hotter. For these...
by The Archivist | Mar 22, 2018 | VtoV Lexicon
The incursion war lasted for only six minutes, but it destroyed both the First Tribe and their enemies: the Dae Usara. When the world broke so too did the Dae Usara—their bodies fell from the sky and shattered across Victory! The actual fragments are called Animus and...
by The Archivist | Mar 21, 2018 | VtoV Lexicon
In the days of the divisive war when Tribe fought against Tribe, weapons of great regret were created. Most have been lost to the sands, however, a class of weapon called a Vorpal has survived. A Vorpal Sword is a custom hilt that houses one or more cyber infected...