Attack the Synths

Place an image or intro text here. Attack the Synths With some swift blinks and rapid pulls of the trigger, you spit out two rockets.  The first hits a Synth but not before it raises its hand, sacrificing the limb to stay in the fight. The second rocket hits the...

Back to the Vents

Place an image or intro text here. Back to the Vents There is a moment that lasts forever, burning through your mind and deeper still into you. You look him in the eye, and he looks back. He nods, quick, but casual, and then he jumps up and starts to fire his pistol....

What Truth?

Place an image or intro text here. What Truth? “If this is it, let me tell you a truth. I was in the slave pits; ten years old fighting dogs and slaves.  You brought me out of it. I don’t know if I can save you but, I want to try. The way you saved me. You’re a father...


Place an image or intro text here. Escape You decide this is not the place to resolve your differences and quickly climb back through the infrastructure of the city. You retrace your steps, somewhat rushed, and you don’t take the time to look back or cover your...

Attack the Baby-Eater

Place an image or intro text here. Attack the Monster The gyro-jet missile launches out with an angry hiss. Its target is determined, its fate, and yours, decided at the pull of the trigger.  As expected, the Baby-Eater’s head explodes as his maw was about to...

Stay focused on the mission

Place an image or intro text here. Focus on the mission “Oh. We’re here, we need to be quiet,” you whisper and cautiously move forward. The basement of the school isn’t so much a room, but a series of platforms suspended over a dark abyss of pipes and machinery. There...