• The deserts of Victory are harsh. Massive magnetic disturbances hurl energetic bursts of radiation randomly.  Teutons can survive this wilderness without protection except in the High Summer.  Then, the Sun drifts slightly closer and burns a little hotter.  For these occasions a Sunskin is recommended.
  • Sunskins can be made of any material that blocks sunlight, however they are traditionally made from the hair of man-sized spiders that live in the caves and byways of the Cydonian Transit. This special material can also absorb radiation and block the electromagnetic soup that causes hallucinations.  They allow any Teuton to navigate the deserts in the worst conditions.
  • Sunskins are standard issue to Tigir Scouts and Caravan Protectors, and most are crafted by Tigir craftsmen.
  • Sunskins are favored gifts of Teuton battalion mothers.